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Two years (1 + 1) PostDoc in the project EASIER-COHORT: ExtrAction of Symptoms from electronIc hEalth Records to create automatic COHORTs

Location: Lyon, France

Application Deadline: 29 February 2023

Starting Date: April 2024 (negotiable)

Contract Duration: 1 year (with possible extension to 2 years)

We are looking to hire one Postdoctoral Researcher to work on the project EASIER-COHORT: ExtrAction of Symptoms from electronIc hEalth Records to create automatic COHORTs funded by the SHAPE-Med@Lyon initiative. The position will be based at the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and it’s in collaboration between the Laboratoire d’InfoRmatique en Image et Systèmes d’information (LIRIS), the Centre of Excellence in Respiratory Pathogens (CERP), and Santé publique, épidémiologie et écologie évolutive des maladies infectieuses (PHE3ID) team.

In particular, the candidate will be part of the Database Team (DB) and co-supervised by Prof. Angela Bonifati and Dr. Andrea Mauri.

The EASIER-COHORT project aims at developing NLP techniques to automatically retrieve information from free-text fields in the electronic health records (EHR), such as symptoms and comorbidities to integrate structured and unstructured data to create electronic cohorts of patients and address epidemiological questions.

As a part of the role you will 1) design, develop, and test text-mining algorithms for the detection of symptoms and comorbidities in unstructured text, and 2) collaborate with the experts of the CERP and PHE3ID) to evaluate the algorithms on real use cases. You’ll be responsible for writing academic papers, technical reports, and project deliverables, as well as attending academic conferences or project meetings to present your findings and serve as a representative for the team.


  • A PhD in Computer Science, preferably on Natural Language Processing, Digital Health, Artificial Intelligence, or related topics
  • Provable fluency in at least one programming language, e.g., Python/R, Java, C++, Rust.
  • Proficiency in the French language is desirable. While the main language of the university is English, the health records are written in French.
  • Curiosity and passion for learning
  • Previous experience in the medical domain is a plus

To apply send an email to and with attached a single PDF containing

  • Cover letter in which you describe your motivation and qualifications for the position.
  • Curriculum vitae, including a list of your publications and the contact information of three references.

We strongly encourage interested candidates to contact us to know more about the position before sending the application.